Meaning of Sexual Harassment
The law defines sexual harassment as:
- conduct of a sexual nature that has the purpose or effect of violating someone’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment; and
- less favourable treatment related to sex or gender reassignment that occurs because of a rejection of, or submission to, sexual conduct.
Harassment does not have to be intentional; it is the impact it has on the recipient.
Examples of sexual harassment
Sexual harassment can occur in many forms, and can take place either at work, outside work, in person, or online. While this is not an exhaustive list, examples include:
- physical conduct of a sexual nature, unwelcome physical contact or intimidation;
- persistent suggestions to meet up socially after a person has made clear they do not welcome such suggestions;
- showing or sending offensive or pornographic material by any means of communication;
- unwelcome sexual advances, propositions, suggestive remarks, or gender-related insults;
- offensive comments about appearance or dress, innuendo or lewd comments;
- leering, whistling or making sexually suggestive gestures; and
- gossip and speculation about someone’s sexual orientation or transgender status, including spreading malicious rumours.